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Protect Your Child’s Smile from These Summer Activities & Treats

May 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmiles @ 2:54 pm
children playing with bubbles outside

As a parent, you’re likely always wondering how you can keep your little one healthy and safe, and this summer is no different. The constant sunshine, warm weather, and break from school are just a few of countless reasons that your child will want to go outside and enjoy iconic seasonal treats and activities, like flag football and delicious popsicles and refreshing sports drinks. However, in order to keep their smile cavity-free and avoid a trip to the emergency dentist, it’s a good idea to take a few precautionary measures. Read on to learn how to protect your child’s smile while they’re getting the most out of the summer rays.

Consider Dental Sensitivity Caused by Cold Treats

Whether your family has a tradition of enjoying a snow cone from a local vendor after a long day in the sun or buying the latest seasonal ice cream concoction from the store to snack on at home, it’s a good idea to take heed whenever your little one complains about dental sensitivity. Some teeth are just sensitive, and taking a bite out of a frozen treat will trigger discomfort. However, in cases where your little one complains about chronic dental sensitivity, it’s a good idea to take that as a warning to schedule their bi-annual checkup and cleaning.

This problem can be caused by improperly developed enamel that can be helped with fluoride treatment, or it could be a result of a cavity that needs to be treated. Either way, you’ll be glad you took them for help early on, before additional issues had a chance to progress!

Keep Them Hydrated, But Avoid Sugary Beverages

Whether your little one loves sipping on Gatorade and other sports drinks after a long day playing outside with friends or your teen goes straight to get an Arizona Tea from the local gas station after hanging with their friends, it’s a good idea to intermittently substitute these sugary beverages for water. Not only will water keep them hydrated, but it’s sugar-free, meaning it’s better for their teeth, too!  

Protect Their Smiles from Summer Sports

Along with the summer sun comes great weather to enjoy outdoor sports and activities, like skateboarding, biking, rollerblading, flag football, baseball, and soccer! Without proper protection from a fall, impact, or other accident, their smile could be at-risk of becoming damaged. Be sure to get your little one the protection they need to prevent an emergency visit to the dentist, like a customized athletic mouthguard.

You have a lot on your mind as a parent, but it’ll all be worth it when your little one grows up to be as happy and healthy as you hoped they would. By following these helpful tips to maintain good oral health over the summertime, you can rest-assured knowing you’re doing everything you can to keep your little one’s smile out of harm’s way!

About the Author

Dr. Aom Arrechea is originally from Thailand and moved to the United States in 2006. She began her career in the dental field as a hygienist before returning to earn her DDS degree and become a dentist. Since then, she has been dedicated to continuing her education, earning her advanced skills in Special Patient Care and Pediatric Dentistry. She loves helping children build great relationships with the dentist’s office so they love coming back to see her! For questions or to schedule a checkup and cleaning for your child, visit Daily Smiles Dental Dallas’ website or call 214-624-6221.

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