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Dental Crowns – Dallas, TX

Restoring The Function & Feel of Your Smile

person smiling with a dental crown in Dallas, TX

Dental crowns are one of the most common dental treatments in the United States. They help millions of patients regain control of their oral health and preserve their natural teeth so they can continue enjoying them for the rest of their lives. When a tooth is damaged, broken, or severely misshapen or discolored, dental crowns give it a chance at new life. At Daily Smiles Dental Dallas, we offer high-quality and customized crowns that are made from natural-looking and durable materials. That way, you won’t have to worry about anybody being able to notice that you have a dental restoration in your mouth when you smile or laugh. If you believe you can benefit from a dental crown in Dallas, be sure to contact our office to schedule a consultation today.

Why Choose Daily Smiles Dental Dallas For Dental Crowns?

  • Partnered With The Best Dental Labs In Dallas
  • Customized Restorations
  • High-Quality Dental Materials

What are Dental Crowns?

dentist crafting a dental crown on a mold of a mouth

Dental crowns are custom-shaped “caps” that are specially designed to fit over the biting surface of your teeth. They’re typically used to support and fix damaged molars and are popularly crafted from natural-looking materials such as ceramic and porcelain. Because they’re built to withstand everyday use, patients are able to eat, speak, and do everything they normally do with their teeth. However, it’s important to be mindful of sticky, chewy, and hard foods when you eat them. With the proper care and maintenance, they can last for up to 10 years, although they have been known to last longer.

How Do I Know If I Need a Crown?

computer illustration of a broken molar

Dental crowns in Dallas, TX are fairly versatile restorations that can be used to fix a variety of issues. After we examine your mouth and X-rays, we’ll diagnose an issue and discuss whether or not a dental crown would be the best solution for your unique needs. Typically, we suggest crowns for people who suffer from the following issues:

  • Fortify a tooth that has just had root canal therapy.
  • Protect and hold together a severely broken or cracked tooth.
  • Hold a dental bridge in place to replace a missing tooth.
  • Support a tooth with a large filling in it.
  • Cover a severely misshapen or discolored tooth.
  • Be held in place by a dental implant to replace a missing tooth.

The Benefits of Getting a Crown

person taking a walk outside and smiling

When you visit your restorative dentist in Dallas, TX, we’ll discuss each of your options with you as well as each of their benefits. Since damaged teeth aren’t able to heal by themselves, your dental crown will be able to act as a shield to protect it from the harmful effects of oral bacteria, such as cavities and infections. Plus, it can allow you to continue enjoying your natural tooth instead of needing to have it extracted and having to get a dental bridge or implant to replace it. Because they’re made from natural-looking porcelain or ceramic, you also won’t have to worry about it being noticeable when you smile, like you would with metal restorations.

 If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the process, be sure to contact our office to schedule a consultation today.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Crowns

a person paying for a dental crown at a dental office

Having to invest in restorative dental care can be daunting, especially if you’re concerned about the financial impact of consenting to moving forward with treatment. Our team at Daily Smiles Dental values transparency and offers several easy ways to pay, allowing you to find the best way to take care of your oral health without compromising your monthly budget. If you have any questions or concerns about affording your care, don’t hesitate to speak with our wonderful team so we can try to assist you!

Factors That Affect the Cost of Dental Crowns

a porcelain dental crown on a plaster mold of a mouth

Dental crowns are custom-tailored to each individual patient’s dental and aesthetic needs, which is why the cost of this treatment can vary. Some factors that can determine the overall cost include:

  • Whether you require any additional treatments. For example, after root canals, crowns are typically placed to help support and protect the tooth. This means that the root canal treatment would be a separate cost.
  • The type of material that you want your crown to be made from. This can include tooth-colored materials like porcelain, zirconia, and ceramic, or durable metals like gold.

At your appointment, before we move forward with any type of treatment, we always ensure that you have a full understanding of what you’re consenting to, including a detailed cost estimate of the procedure. If at any point you have questions or concerns about your dental crown process, please don’t hesitate to contact us or get help from our friendly staff.

Does Dental Insurance Cover the Cost of Crowns?

an empty dental insurance claim form

At Daily Smiles Dental, we accept virtually all PPO dental insurance plans to ensure that you’re able to maximize your benefits and save from steep out-of-pocket costs. This means that we’ll file claims on your behalf so you don’t have to deal with the paperwork, as well as help you understand your coverage. We also accept both Medicaid and CHIP.

While every dental insurance plan differs, most will cover at least a portion of the cost of dental crowns in Dallas, as they’re usually tied to maintaining good oral health. However, if you’re not sure of your coverage, we’ll help you find out beforehand.

Options for Making Dental Crowns More Affordable

a magnifying glass zooming in on a CareCredit logo

If you’re uninsured or underinsured, you may be able to benefit from applying for financing through CareCredit. They’re a well-known financer that provides little-to-no interest monthly payment plans, allowing you to split the cost of your procedure up into more manageable, smaller chunks. If you have any questions or need help applying, we invite you to reach out to our team.

Dental Crown FAQs

a person holding a dental crown in Dallas on their finger

Do you still have questions about dental crowns in Dallas? These restorations are more versatile than many patients know. We’re here to give you all of the answers you need to make the best decision for your oral health and feel confident in it. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for below, feel free to call our office!

How do I make my dental crown last longer?

With the proper care, and depending on the material that your dental crown is made out of, it can last for 10 to 15 years. Here are some tips to keep it looking like new and make sure that your natural tooth that’s anchoring it stays healthy:

  • Brush twice each day for at least two minutes with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Visit our office twice a year so we can make sure that it’s intact and functioning properly.
  • Immediately visit our office if your crown falls off or gets damaged.
  • Rinse and floss your teeth at least once a day.
  • Avoid chewing on hard and sticky foods.
  • Maintain a balanced and nutritious diet.

What materials can dental crowns be made out of?

Dental crowns can be crafted from gold, silver, zirconia, porcelain, ceramic, and a combination of porcelain fused to ceramic. While metal crowns are often considered more durable, they’re more likely to leak because they’re not made from biocompatible materials. They also require more of your natural tooth structure to be removed to place them. Zirconia, porcelain, and ceramic crowns are durable, natural-looking, and can provide your tooth with reliable protection for over a decade with the proper care.

Can you still get a cavity if you have a dental crown?

Yes, you can still get a cavity if you have a dental crown. That’s why it’s important to keep up with your oral hygiene routine and keep your mouth as healthy as possible. We recommend paying close attention to your gum line surrounding your crown when you brush and floss to make sure that no food or plaque accumulates in this area and sneaks its way underneath the crown. Routine professional cleanings are also crucial to avoid cavity development.

Does getting a dental crown hurt?

Because we administer a local anesthetic to the area before beginning to the procedure, you won’t have to worry about experiencing any pain or discomfort. You may feel some slight discomfort after we prepare your tooth, but this is to be expected and will go away once we secure your permanent crown.