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Allergy Season’s in Full-Swing, But How Will it Affect Your Oral Health?

April 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmiles @ 3:36 pm
an animation of a nose breathing in pollen

People who have seasonal allergies understand how rough this time of year can be. Sniffling noses, sore throats, and uncomfortable sinus pressure and mucus build-up can have a drastic effect on your daily life. However, one additional threat of seasonal allergies that many people don’t know about is the impact that it can have on their oral health. Read on to learn how certain seasonal allergy symptoms can cause a domino effect that can attack your oral health.

Common Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies

In most states, spring allergies begin around February and continue throughout early summer, when tree and grass pollination begins towards the start of the year. And in the case of a warmer winter, pollination may begin even earlier, which is why people who move to Texas may experience worse allergies than when they lived in a different state! If you have seasonal allergies, you may experience a wide array of symptoms, including some of the following:

  • Sinus congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Red nose and eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Wheezing
  • Throat irritation
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Puffy eyes

How Can Seasonal Allergies Affect Your Oral Health?

The seasonal allergy symptoms that are most likely to affect your oral health are dry mouth (as a result of taking certain allergy medications), sore throat, and mucus build-up that causes sinus pressure. Dry mouth is a common side-effect from taking antihistamines, and when it’s left unchecked, it can lead to an increase in harmful oral bacteria that are known to result in oral health problems like tooth decay and gum disease. To help keep your oral microbiome balanced, it’s important to stay hydrated. This will regularly flush away any lingering harmful oral bacteria instead of giving them a chance to damage your teeth.

Other symptoms like sore throat and sinus pressure can result in dental pain and sensitivity. Sinus-related toothaches are also incredibly common for seasonal allergy-sufferers. When they become clogged and blocked with mucus that makes your face feel heavy and uncomfortable, they weigh down on your oral cavity. Additionally, swollen lymph nodes can cause the same issue.

Protecting Your Smile from Your Allergy Symptoms

In order to protect your smile, it’s important to both treat your seasonal allergies as well as keep up with a good oral hygiene routine at-home. Here are a few tips to ensure your health throughout the spring and early summer:

  • Visit your dentist for a bi-annual checkup and cleaning.
  • Take a shower, wash your hair, and change your clothes after you spend time outdoors.
  • Wear an N-95 mask whenever you do work around the garden, like mowing the lawn.
  • Brush your teeth twice each day with fluoride toothpaste and floss daily.
  • Stay hydrated with water instead of sports drinks or other sugary beverages.

With the right oral hygiene routine in place and allergy prevention, you can ensure your health and wellbeing during this difficult time of the year.

About the Author

Dr. Aom Arrechea is passionate about helping her patients live their best lives. She believes that with the right at-home oral hygiene routine and protective measures, her patients will be able to enjoy smiles that are healthy for a lifetime. She loves treating patients of all ages and has even completed advanced training in special patient care and pediatric dentistry. For questions or to schedule a checkup and cleaning this allergy season, visit Daily Smiles Dental Dallas’ website or call 214-233-9460.

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