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Why is Tooth Enamel So Important?

March 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmiles @ 4:22 pm
a person holding their hands over a model of a tooth to signify that they're protecting the enamel

The substance that makes your teeth look white and shiny is called enamel, but it does more than make your smile look great. Dentists place so much emphasis on enamel preservation throughout your life because it helps protect your teeth from some of the most common oral health problems, like cavities. Without it, your pearly whites are virtually defenseless against the threat of harmful oral bacteria. Read on to learn about why your enamel is so important and how you can get it to last a lifetime.

What is Enamel?

Tooth enamel is the strongest substance created by your body—even stronger than your bones! It starts to form when people are still embryos. Specialized cells in your body work together using calcium phosphate minerals to weave protein into a unique shape that holds your enamel tightly packed together. Even though it’s impressively strong, it isn’t indestructible.

What Causes Enamel Erosion?

Enamel’s kryptonite is acid naturally found in certain foods or acid produced by harmful oral bacteria. Harmful oral bacteria feed off of sugars and starches that linger in your mouth. They then emit acid in the form of waste, which is why it’s so important to regularly brush and floss your teeth. In addition, consuming foods and beverages like coffee, red wine, and citrus can also cause enamel erosion.

Since enamel only makes up a thin, outer layer of your tooth, if you accidentally chip or crack a tooth, this can also make your tooth vulnerable to decay or infection. That’s why it’s important to have these issues addressed to make sure that your smile isn’t in harm’s way.

Is it Possible to Restore Lost Enamel?

Unfortunately, once enamel is eroded, it’s impossible to replace it. However, if your enamel is simply weakened, you may be able to strengthen it by replacing lost minerals. By using fluoridated toothpaste or asking your dentist about fluoride treatment, you can help remineralize the structure to allow it to better protect your teeth. It’s also a good idea to take preventive measures by avoiding excessively acidic foods and beverages to keep your teeth strong.

How Can I Prevent Enamel Loss?

It’s possible to maintain the structure of your enamel for a lifetime with the proper care. You can do this by brushing and flossing every day and keeping up with your routine checkups and cleanings with your dentist. It’s also a good idea to rinse your mouth with an alcohol-free mouthwash at least once every day. By using ADA-approved oral hygiene products that contain fluoride, you can also help strengthen your enamel.

With the right enamel-strengthening routine in place, you’ll be able to protect your teeth from the ongoing threat of harmful oral bacteria and decay. All it takes is a good at-home oral hygiene routine and regular visits to your dentist!

About the Author

Dr. Aom Arrechea started out as a dental hygienist before returning to school for her doctorate to become a dentist. She is passionate about providing her patients with the highest quality of care, which is why she regularly completes continuing education courses. She has taken advanced classes in pediatric dentistry, special patient care, and sedation dentistry through the Maryland Academy of General Dentistry as well. For questions or to schedule a checkup and cleaning, visit Daily Smiles Dental Dallas’ website or call 214-233-9460.

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