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The Most Underrated New Year’s Resolution: Flossing Your Teeth Every Day

December 30, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmiles @ 4:46 pm
an up-close view of a person flossing their teeth

The New Year is just a few days away, which means that it’s a good time to start making a list of resolutions you’d like to make to improve your quality of life, happiness, and overall wellbeing . One easy New Year’s resolution you can make that can do all of these things is committing to flossing your teeth every day. Even though it sounds so simple, you’d be surprised at how few people are diligent about doing this oral hygiene task. Read on to learn how flossing can impact your smile and how you can remember to floss every day.

The Importance of Flossing Your Teeth

The American Dental Association recommends flossing your teeth every day to ensure that your gums stay healthy and prevent cavities from forming. Even though brushing your teeth twice each day is a great way to remove plaque, food debris can still become wedged between your teeth and small crevices in your mouth, attracting harmful oral bacteria. When your mouth becomes overrun with bacteria, they’ll release waste in the form of enamel-eroding acid (which can lead to cavities) and toxins that can cause inflamed and infected gums. Flossing is essential because it breaks down plaque between your teeth and removes debris that puts you at an increased risk of developing serious oral health issues.

Using the Proper Flossing Technique

While flossing, it’s important to use the proper techniques to avoid accidentally damaging your oral tissues and effectively remove harmful debris from between your teeth. Here’s how the ADA and dentists recommend flossing:

  1. Break an 18-inch piece of dental floss off and wind most of it around your middle finger, keeping the remaining floss around the same finger on the other hand.
  2. Hold the piece of floss taut between both of your hands.
  3. Guide the floss between each of your teeth, using a gentle rubbing motion.
  4. As soon as the floss reaches the gumline, curve it into a “C” shape against your tooth, gently moving it back down.
  5. Repeat this method on all of your teeth.

If you have difficulty maneuvering dental floss, you can also try using a water flosser or flossing picks, which are just as effective and easier to handle.

Tips & Tricks on Reminding Yourself to Floss Daily

Sometimes, life can make it difficult to remember to be a diligent flosser. Here are some ways to keep your flossing routine on track:

  • Set an alarm on your phone or place a sticky note on your bathroom mirror to remind you to floss your teeth every night.
  • Get together with a friend who’s also iffy about flossing daily and text each other every night to hold each other accountable.
  • If you’re a busy, on-the-go person, taking a small, travel-sized dental floss with you will ensure that you don’t forget to floss your teeth, even while you’re not at home.

With a good oral hygiene routine, you can enjoy a healthy looking and feeling smile in 2021! Don’t forget to schedule your first checkup and cleaning of the new year too, since your dental insurance plan will renew on January 1st!

About the Author

Dr. Gustavo Arrechea is a passionate dentist with years of experience under his belt. He enjoys treating patients of all ages and providing helpful techniques and advice on how to maintain great oral hygiene at home. He is an active member of several professional organizations, including the American Dental Association. If you’re due for a checkup and cleaning, you can visit Daily Smiles Dental Dallas’ website or call 214-233-9460 to schedule an appointment today!

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