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Is it Too Late To Get Braces When You’re Over 40?

September 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmiles @ 1:47 pm
mature person with adult braces

Were you not able to or chose not to get orthodontic treatment when you were younger? Now, as an adult who’s over 40, you may be regretful. Although braces and Invisalign may be marketed more towards teens and younger patients, it’s never too late to get adult braces. Fixing bite misalignment and crowded and crooked teeth come with countless benefits that could help you maintain a beautiful smile now. Read on to learn more about adult braces and how getting orthodontic treatment when you’re older is nothing to be embarrassed of.

Why Should You Get Braces as an Adult?

As an adult, you may notice that your oral health isn’t in as great shape as it once was. When you get older, sometimes your body can have a more difficult time fighting off harmful oral bacteria accumulation and the oral health problems that come with it. This can be amplified by crooked and crowded teeth that create small nooks and crannies for debris to hideout in, making it difficult to effectively clean your teeth. Orthodontic treatment can help eliminate these spaces by shifting your teeth into their ideal positions, improving your oral health and allowing you to preserve your natural smile.

Why Do You Need Adult Braces?

As you age, collagen in your face dwindles, creating hollowness in the cheek areas. This can also make your teeth more visible with age, causing them to move and become crooked or loose. Getting braces when you’re over 40 can help return your teeth into their original position and preserve your facial structure by preventing tooth loss. Here are some additional reasons you may consider getting braces as an adult:

  • Difficulty chewing food
  • Speech problems
  • Bite misalignment
  • Food gets stuck between the teeth

 What Are The Benefits of Adult Braces?

There are three primary benefits that adults over 40 can enjoy while investing in orthodontic treatment. These include:

  1. Treatment Variety— Today, your dentist doesn’t just offer metal braces. They also provide discreet Invisalign aligners to help shift your teeth into their ideal positions. They’re virtually unnoticeable and have a shorter average treatment time than metal braces.
  2. Cost-Effective— Thanks to the latest advancements in dentistry, there are a variety of treatment options that you can choose from. This allows you to choose the best one for your monthly budget! Plus, as an adult, you may find yourself more financially stable and able to commit to a payment plan for your treatment.
  3. Self-Esteem Booster— The first trait that people notice about you is often your smile. That’s why straightening your teeth can be a huge confidence-booster.

Just because you aren’t a teen doesn’t mean that you can’t also benefit from getting braces. Not only will they improve your quality of life by providing you with a smile you can feel proud of, but they’ll also help you keep your natural pearly whites! That’s an investment that’s well worthwhile.

About the Author

Dr. Aom Arrechea initially studied as a dental hygienist before earning her doctorate at the University of Southern California. She regularly completes advanced education that allows her to provide the latest treatments, including Invisalign clear braces. She enjoys being able to improve her patients’ smiles and optimize their oral health so they can enjoy their natural grin for decades to come. For questions or to schedule a consultation for orthodontic treatment, visit Daily Smiles Dental’s website or call 214-233-9460.

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